Surface water (stormwater) is the term used for natural water, that is rainwater that falls on the surface of the ground including open ground such as fields, paved areas and roofs. Rainwater that falls on paved areas and from roofs generally drains to surface water (stormwater) drains and thence to soakaways (see Volume 5), rivers, streams or the sea. Rainwater falling on natural open ground will in part lie on the surface of impermeable soils, evaporate to air, run off to streams and rivers and soak into the ground. On permeable soils much of the rainwater will soak into the ground as ground water.
Ground water is that water held in soils at and below the water table (which is the depth at which there is free water below the surface). The level of the water table will vary seasonally, being closest to the surface during rainy seasons and deeper during dry seasons when most evaporation to air occurs.
In Part C of the Building Regulations is a requirement for subsoil drainage, to avoid passage of ground moisture to the inside of a building or to avoid damage to the fabric of the building.
In Approved Document C to the Regulations are provisions for the need for subsoil drainage where the water table can rise to within 0.25 m of the lowest floor and where the water table is high in dry weather and the site of the building is surrounded by higher ground.
Paved areas are usually laid to falls to channels and gullies that drain to surface water drains.
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