Concrete lintels Walls.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

As an alternative to the use of steel lintels reinforced concrete lintels may be used to support the separate leaves over openings. This construction may be used where the appearance of a concrete lintel over openings in fairface brick is acceptable and where an outer leaf of brick or block is to be rendered to enhance protection against rain penetration or for appearance sake.

A range of precast reinforced concrete lintels is available to suit the widths of most standard door and window openings with adequate allowance for building in ends of lintels each side of openings. For use with fairface brickwork the lintel depth should match the depth of brick course heights to avoid untidy cutting of bricks around lintel ends.

These comparatively lightweight lintels are bedded on walling as support for outer and inner leaves.

The partial fill cavity insulation shown in Fig. 81 is carried down between the leaves of the wall to the head of the window or door frame. 

 Fig. 81 Concrete lintels.

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