Cavity walls.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Strength and stability.
The practical guidance in Approved Document A to the Building Regulations accepts a cavity of from 50 to 100 mm for cavity walls having leaves at least 90 mm thick, built of coursed brickwork or blockwork with wall ties spaced at 450 mm vertically and from 900 to 750 mm horizontally for cavities of 50 to 100mm wide respectively. As the limiting conditions for the thickness of walls related to height and length are the same for a solid bonded wall 190 mm thick as they are for a cavity wall of two leaves each 90 mm thick, it is accepted that the wall ties give the same strength and stability to two separate leaves of brickwork that the bond in solid walls does.


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1 comentarios:

Anonymous said...

Great explication.

I work in Stabilit America frp panels

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